Friday, June 1, 2012


Last workout of the year

Warm up-400m run
30 sec work/10 sec rest
KB swings
Pull ups
Box jumps
MB side toss
PVC pass throughs

Filthy Fifty

50 Box Jumps
50 Pull ups
50 KB swings
50 Walking lunges
50 Hollow rocks
50 Push press (45 lbs)
50 Wall ball shots
50 Burpees
50 Jump squats

*This concludes the training for the 2011/2012 school year.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Warm up-400m run
30 sec work/10 sec rest
KB swings
Pull ups
Box jumps
MB side toss
PVC pass throughs

Lumberjack 20
20 deadlifts
Run 400m
20 KB swings
Run 400m

20 OH squats
Run 400m

20 burpees
Run 400m

20 pull ups
Run 400m

20 box jumps
Run 400m

20 squat cleans
Run 400m

Lumberjack 20 Memorial Hero WOD

On Nov. 5 at 1:34 p.m., a terrorist named Major Nidal Hasan

attacked fellow soldiers and civilians at Fort Hood, Texas. When

the shooting ended, he had killed 12 soldiers and one civilian

and wounded 43 others. Four of the slain soldiers and 11 of the

wounded were active CrossFitters in the 20th Engineer Battalion,

home to Lumberjack CrossFit. To honor these soldiers, CrossFit

HQ is creating a Hero WOD.

The Lumberjacks will deploy to Afghanistan in defense

of this great nation and the freedoms we all enjoy. We would like

for their parting memory to be one of hope and inspiration and

not of the horrific carnage that has so tragically befallen them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Warm up
1 minute max reps of
MB Squats
Lunge with elbow to instep
Pull ups
Push ups

June 28th, 2005 In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, age 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28th 2005. Lt Murphy had a favorite workout he would do to prepare for his deployments. He was an avid Crossfitter and would make sure he wore his body armor for this workout, which he started calling “Body Armor” After his death, the crossfit community renamed it, it would now be referred to as “Murph”. A very demanding workout had just been given a name, and a soul.

A team of 4 Navy SEALs led by LT. Michael P. Murphy on a mission to capture or kill a key Taliban leader, found themselves seriously outnumbered in a firefight with well over 100 enemy troops. Pinned down and under intense enemy fire, their communications operator severely wounded, they were in desperate need for help. Due to the mountainous terrain, their communications could not be received. Understanding the situation, LT. Michael P. Murphy moved to open exposing himself to enemy fire, to use his satelite phone to request immediate support to save his team. LT Murphy was mortally wounded making that call. They continued fighting until Lt. Murphy and two of his three team mates were mortally wounded. His fourth team member, severly injured himself, managed to escape where he was taken in by a local villager until he was rescued 4 days later. He went on to tell the story in a book titled “The Lone Survivor”

For his selfless leadership, courageous actions and extraordinary devotion to duty, LT. Michael P. Murphy received the Medal of Honor, the first service menber to receive the medal in Operation Enduring Freedom, and the first Navy recipient of the medal since Vietnam
1 mile run to start
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run to finish
*This workout has been completed wearing a weighted vest or body armour.
*This workout would most likely take more time than available in my classes and I will modify it to fit it into my class schedule. We will do "Murph Light"
1/2 mile run to start
50 pull ups
100 push ups
200 squats
1/2 mile run to finish
*We will do 10 rounds of 5 pullups/10 push ups/20 squats to complete pullups/pushups/squats.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Warm up-400m run
30 sec work/10 sec rest
KB swings
Lunge with elbow to instep
Pull ups
PVC pass throughs


Make up Fran or Grace

Then Cindy

AMRAP in 20 minutes of
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Warm up-400m run
30 sec work/10 rest of
KB Swings
MB Squats
HR pushups
PVC pass throughs


30 reps of clean and jerk at 135/95
This is the first time this workout will be done at Indio High School. Be proud that you are the first group of students that have this opportunity to excel.
Seniors-you graduate in two weeks!! Be prepared. After that you'll have to pay for this stuff....As always Do Work Son!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Warm up-400m run
30 sec work/10 rest of
Push ups
Pull ups
MB Side toss
PVC pass thrus


21-15-9 reps of
Thrusters and pullups

This is the first time I have had any of my classes or athletes do Fran. So this is the first time ever this workout has taken place at Indio High School. Be proud you get to be part of the first group and Do Work Son!!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Warm up 400m run

Tabata-20 sec work/10 sec rest
KB Swings
Push ups
Pull ups

Strength Work

Front Squat-5/5/3/3


5 Rounds for time

5 DB lunges (each leg)
10 KB Swings
15 Thrusters
20 Burpees

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Warm up- 400m run
1 minute max reps of
KB Swings
Push ups
MB Squats
DB Lunges

Skill Work

Teach Jerk footwork

Strength Work



AMRAP in 10 minutes
1 round of Cindy
 *5 pull ups*10 push ups *15 squats
5 power cleans

Monday, May 7, 2012


* We are back to a regular schedule now, while we still have some testing going on it does not take away from regular class time.
*Careful seniors, you only have 14 days of school left.....then what??? Oh yeah, you'll have to pay for this!! It won't be free anymore. Memories of the Bumper Plate Half Mile are below.

Warm up 400m run
KB Swings
Lunge with elbow to instep
Pull ups
MB side toss

Skill work
OH Squat-5/5/5

OH Lunges-5/5/5

Strength work

10 minute AMRAP
20 KB swings
20 Burpees

Monday, April 30, 2012


*Due to a shorter schedule to accomodate testing we will get a lot of work done quickly. Exercise facilitates brain function, so if you want a better test score you need to work out. Do Work Son!!!

Warm up 400m run
Tabata- 20 sec work/10 sec rest of

KB Swings
Pull ups
Wall Balls
Jump Squats

Tuesday-During testing block

Warm up 400m run

Skill Work

Push Press-5/5/3/3
OH Squat-5/5/3/3

Strength Work

Front Squat-5/3/3


10 Rounds

10 deadlift @ 135
15 pushups performed holding the bar, cannot release the bar during the entire work out. Hands come off the bar and it's a 25 burpee penatly.

Cash out

KB Farmers walk

Mike Walsh Powerlifting Meet

Friday, April 27, 2012


Warm up-400m run
1 minute max reps of
push ups
pull ups
hollow rocks

Skill Work
OH Squat-5/5/5

Strength Work
Bench-5/3/2/max reps

Crossfit "Olaf"
5 rounds for time
5 squat cleans
25 push ups

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Warm up-400m run
KB swings
Pull ups
HR push ups
Box jumps
MB squats

Skill work
OH squats-5/5/5

Strength work

*Due to the shorter schedule I doubt we will have time for conditioning but if we do I will have something special prepared.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Training will be a little different for the next 3 weeks due to a shortened school schedule to accomodate mandated state testing. But we will still DO WORK!!!

Warm up-400m run
KB Sqings
Pull ups
PVC pass throughs

Skill Work
OH Squats 5/5/5

Strength Work

In groups of no more than 5-every minute
5 Clean to push press
1 rep is clean then push press-finish 5 reps and rest

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Loving burpee box jumps and KB swings in the morning. Your welcome 5th period!!

Warm up-400m run
Max reps in one minute of
Push ups
Pull ups
Toe touches
MB side toss

Skill Work
OH Squats-3x5
Push presss-3x5

Strength Work

Every minute

Hang clean
Front squat
Push Press

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Warm up 400m run
20 sec on/10 sec off of
MB Side Toss

Strength Work
Push Press-5/5/3/3

21-15-9 reps of
KB Swings
Burpee Box Jumps

Friday, April 13, 2012


Warm up 400m run
Max reps in one minute of
KB swings
Jump squats
DB Lunges
Wall Balls
Box Jumps

Skill Work
OH Squats

Strength Work
Front Squat-5/5/3/3

Happy Friday the 13th
3 rounds for time
13 thrusters
13 HR pushups
13 KB swings
13 Jump squats
13 Wall balls

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Warm up-400m run
KB swings
Pull ups
MB side toss
PVC pass throughs

Skill work
Teach overhead squats (PVC only)

Strength work

Tabata-20 sec on/10 sec rest-8 cycles of each exercise with a minute rest between exercises
KB swings
Hollow rocks
Pull ups

Monday, April 9, 2012


Back from spring break. Hopefully you enojyed some down time and got the chance to relax but now its back to work!! This is the start of the 4th quarter, that means 8 weeks until ready!!

Warm up-400m run
MB Squats
KB Swings
Pull ups
Lunge with elbow to instep
PVC pass throughs

Strength Work

5 rounds for time
5 thrusters
5 burpees
5 box jumps
5 HR pushups

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Warm up-
Max reps in one minute
Push ups
Mountain Climbers

Bumper Plate Half Mile

 On the track place your bumper plate on one corner of the track. Walk to the far straight away.
Start-25 lunges and sprint rest of the 100m to get plate. Once you have plate 25 squats, then with plate 25 lunges (corner of track) then run rest of corner.
25 over unders-25 lunges (straight away) then run rest of 100m
50 crunches (plate over head) 25 lunges and sprint rest of corner
25 squats then 25 lunges and sprint (rest of straight away) Start the cycle over
Complete 2 laps

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Doing Work!!-thrusters/kb swings/box jumps

Warm up-400m run

KB swings
MB Squats
Lunge with elbow to instep

Strength Work
Cleans-5/5/3/3/1-heavy single

100 KB swings for time

Friday, March 23, 2012


That's how you earn a shirt!!!

Warm up-400m run
KB swings
MB side toss
PVC pass throughs

Skill Work
Shoulder press-5/5

Strength Work
Bench-8/4/3/3/max reps

On the minute for max reps (clock does not stop)
Wall Balls
KB swings
Pull ups

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday/Thursday 4/21-4/22

Warm up-400m run
KB swings
Hollow rocks
Lunge with elbow to instep
Pull ups
PVC pass throughs

Skill Work
Teach Thrusters

Strength Work
Front Squats-5/5/3/3

21-15-9 reps of
Box Jumps
KB Swings

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday/Tuesday 3/19-3/20

Warm up-400m run
KB swings
Pull ups
Push up to plank
MB side toss
PVC pass throughs

Strength Work
Bench-8/5/4/3/max reps

Conditioning- 10 minute AMRAP of-
30 sec work followed by 10 sec rest of-
push ups
pull ups

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday/Friday 3/15-3/16

Warm up-400m run
MB squats
Lunge with elbow to instep
HR push ups
Pull ups
Box Jumps

Skill Work
Teach Push Press

Strength Work
Bench 8/6/4/max reps

Reverse ladder 10 reps down to 1 rep of
Man makers
KB Swings
Box Jumps

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tuesday/Wednesday 3/13-3/14

Training over the next two days will be interesting over the next two days. The PE department needs to finish up testing all freshmen and I want to minimize the impact this has on my classes. So I will be administering tests in the weight room as my classes lift.

Warm up-full stadium
Pull ups
Squat-elbows push knees out
MB Side Toss

Strength Work

Conditioning- for time
20 squats-with a kb/mb
5 burpees (no kb/mb obviously)
20 lunges-with a kb/mb
10 burpees
20 pullups
15 burpees
20 pushups
20 burpees
20 crunches-with a kb/mb
15 burpees
20 box jumps
10 burpees
20 mountain climbers
5 burpees
400m run with kb/mb

Friday, March 9, 2012


Friday is periods 2-3-4
Monday is 5-6-7

Warm up-400m run
KB Swings
MB Squat
PVC Pass thrus
Hollow rocks
Lungs with elbow to instep

Skill work
Shoulder Press-old school strict standing press

Strength Work
Front Squat-5/5/5/5

Conditioning-5 rounds for time
5 Burpee box jumps
10 Shoulder presses
15 KB swings

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday/Thursday 3/7-3/8

Warm up-400m Run
30 sec work/10 sec rest and rotate
KB swings
Pull ups
HR (hand release) push ups
PVC pass thrus
MB side toss

Strength Work



Cosgrove Complex-(Alwyn Cosgrove)

On the minute

5 deadlifts
5 hang cleans
5 Front squats

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday March 5th

Warm up-400m run

In groups of 4 or 5-30 seconds work, 10 seconds rest and rotate
MB side toss
Plank to push up
PVC pass thrus
Lunge with elbow to instep

Skill work

Teach kettlebell swings

Strength work

Squats reps of 10-8-6-4
Bench reps of 10-8-6-4


10 minute AMRAP of:
10 pull ups
20 push ups
30 lunges
40 crunches
50 BW squats